Voucher allocations
Tracking your voucher
Redeeming your voucher
Voucher issues
ATM cash vouchers
- Which energy providers partner with PayPoint?
- Why have I been blocked from redeeming my PayPoint voucher?
- How does PayPoint work? (Receiving vouchers)
- How long do I have to redeem my welfare voucher once claimed?
- I topped up my gas card/key or electricity card/key and the money hasn't been loaded. What should I do?
Digital energy card
- How do I redeem my Huggg link to get the pre-paid energy card?
- How do I use my pre-paid card to pay my energy bill?
- Does the voucher cover people who pay for energy via a bill, including by direct debit?
- What about people using off-grid energy sources?
- Does this cover all gas & electricity suppliers?
- Can the voucher be spent on anything other than energy?
Digital water card
- How do I redeem my Huggg link to get the pre-paid water card?
- Does this cover all water suppliers?
- How do I use my pre-paid card to pay my water bill?
- Does the voucher cover people who pay for water via a bill, including by direct debit?
- Can the voucher be spent on anything other than water?
- How can I check my available balance?