Yes, but not via our platform.
Please head over to your 'Orders' page, find the voucher/s in question and copy and paste the link to send again using an external system (such as email). The link can be found under the 'Voucher details' section. Please be extremely careful to ensure you are sending the correct link as mistakes may lead to the wrong person accessing the voucher.
Why don't you have a resend option?
If an email or SMS shows as having not been delivered, or shows as delivered and the recipient hasn't been able to locate it, re-sending via the same method is unlikely to create a better outcome the second time around. This is why we advise instead to copy the link and paste it into your external system, such as an email, instead.
Expired Huggg links
If the voucher link has expired, you will need to generate new one. The money attributed to the original expired link would have been automatically re-credited to your Huggg account at midnight on the day of expiry.